Set your audacious goals

#CuriousMoments with Advita In January 2018, I wasn’t quite sure where I wanted to go in my career. I thought I’d spend my life working in-house. But life had other plans. After floating about for a while, waiting for inspiration to hit me, I decided to take control of my life in May 2018. I […]

Why January isn’t a fresh start for CommsRebel founder, Advita

#CuriousMoments with Advita A few years ago, I realised that January wasn’t a new start for me. I was often tired, never really felt refreshed, and the dark nights impacted my wellbeing.  This meant I struggled with keeping resolutions, which brought immense guilt when I failed. After spending time getting to know myself and boosting my […]

Build allyship through effective internal communication

#CuriousMoments with Advita It was an absolute privilege speaking at the CIPD Festival of Work event recently. We had 30 minutes to share our thoughts on how to build allyship through effective internal communication. When I talk about inclusion and its impact on our organisation, I’m sometimes told it’s not an issue in the organisation or […]

Why has nobody told me this before?

#CuriousMoments with Advita Stop scrolling for two minutes and take a deep breath. How are you feeling today? From the chats I’m having, things seem to be feeling heavy right now. Budgets are being cut, change seems everywhere, resources are tight, and there appears to be conflict everywhere you turn. All this is contributing to […]

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