Book launch!

#CuriousMoments with Advita Can you say you’ve written a book if you don’t host a book launch party? As Priya Bates, ABC, MC, SCMP, IABC Fellow was attending #InnerRebel2023 in person, it seemed silly not to take advantage and host a mini book launch in Manchester. Thanks to the generosity of Haiilo, we hosted the event at Huckletree with pizza from Harry’s […]

Trust and inclusivity

#CuriousMoments with Advita Priya Bates and I joined the fab folks at Interact Software to talk about how trust can help build an inclusive culture. As we were planning our chapters for the book, we knew that we wanted a whole chapter dedicated to this important topic. If trust is low or non-existent in your workplace, then you’ll […]

Quicky out of office messages… yes? Or no?

#CuriousMoments with Advita A few year’s ago, I read a fascinating article about out-of-office (OOO) messages. I was fascinated with what the author wrote about its impact on social interactions and connections. As someone passionate about individualism and personalisation, I absolutely adore quirky OOO messages. It gives such incredible insight into that person and also […]

Meet Sarah Browning!

We’re excited to announce Sarah Browning is our latest associate at CommsRebel. Sarah is an independent kindness cheerleader and communicator. In 2021 Sarah founded the Time for Kindness programme, an initiative to celebrate kindness and rebalance the narrative we have about the world we live in.  We’re thrilled Sarah has joined TeamRebel as we prepare […]

Top Internal Communications Voice

#CuriousMoments with Advita It was lovely to see the Top Internal Communications Voice badge appear on my profile. I love contributing my thoughts about how Internal Comms can support organisations to cultivate inclusive cultures through revolutionary communications. The other day, someone called me a “Comms Influencer.” sometimes, I think I’m more of a “Comms Antagonist”, […]

The inconsistent leader

#CuriousMoments with Advita It’s been an incredible couple of days speaking at various events about internal comms and inclusion. I started my mini tour speaking to the fab folks at the Gambling Commission about allyship and trust. Then, I headed to Unily’s brilliant event, Unite, to talk on a panel about belonging and technology. And last but not […]

Three key elements for an effective Employee Value Proposition

Image is titled Employee Value Proposition. Underneath title, there are three interlocking circles, with the words EVP in the centre. From clockwise (left), first green circle says employee expectations, next pink circle, says competitive edge, and final coral circle, says organisational needs.

Employee Value Propositions (EVP) are crucial in attracting, engaging and retaining talent, so what should you consider when supporting EVP development? CommsRebel is working with a client on building their EVP. With an ambitious growth strategy, the client wanted to ensure that their EVP was effective and reflective of their brand so they can continue […]

National Inclusion Week – pitfalls to avoid

#CuriousMoments with Advita It’s National Inclusion Week in the UK from 25 September – 1 October. I know there will be a flurry of activities taking place, and the communications team will be working hard to come up with various ideas/themes/activities. But here are three pitfalls you should avoid if you don’t want to be […]

Take 90 seconds to find out how inclusive your organisation is

Do you want to understand how inclusive your organisation is? In our book, Building a Culture of Inclusivity, we wrote about the DEI E-volution to help organisations identify where they are on their inclusion journey. The six key steps we identified from our research and studies are: Exist Enter Educate Embrace Engage Embed We wanted […]

A good change programme needs a good inclusive comms process

#CuriousMoments with Advita I love a good change programme. The more complex, the better. I like unpicking and understanding how things connect. The lightbulb moments when the messaging is clear and concise. The vibrancy and energy it can bring when people understand the vision. So how can you establish a good, inclusive comms process in […]

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