The 5 secrets of inclusive language

Inclusive language is essential for creating an inclusive workplace culture. It can boost employee engagement and help people feel included in conversations and communications. However, using inclusive language takes conscious effort and continued learning from everyone within the organisation. As a communications professional, here’s how you can get started. Imagine a meeting that begins with […]

Top 5 powerful tips on how to manage different viewpoints at work

Do you ever feel frustrated when someone disagrees with your point of view? or, worse, calls you woke? Managing differing viewpoints in the workplace is challenging. We live in a world where everyone seems to have an opposite point of view, which can be exhausting. But as communication and HR professionals, how can we manage […]

Understanding bias in 6 powerful steps to help you thrive

A Culture of Inclusion We hear opinions, not facts, and most things we see are perspectives, not always the truth. When committed to cultivating a culture of inclusion in our workplace, we must understand our biases and how they affect what we see and hear. To understand our biases, we need to undertake the following […]

The 12 green flags every inclusive leader demonstrates

Are you an inclusive leader? When I host inclusive leadership communication workshops, I often discuss red flags to look out for. But after such a positive response to a post a couple of months ago, I now share what green flags to look for in an inclusive leader. This seems to resonate more, leading to […]

What exactly is inclusive internal communications?

#CuriousMoments with Advita When Priya Bates, ABC, MC, SCMP, IABC Fellow and I were writing our book, we spent some time researching various definitions. But none quite hit the mark so we decided to create our own based on our knowledge and experience ???????? “Inclusive internal communication enables powerful connections, demonstrates curiosity and cultivates belonging […]

Empowering women in the workplace through internal communications

With International Women’s Day taking place on 8 March 2024, CommsRebel associate, Rupa Bharadva has written a blog based on advice Advita has shared over the past few months about the topic as promoting equity shouldn’t stop at one day but continue all year round.   Empowering women in the workplace through internal communications Many […]

Why cognitive and demographic diversity matters

#CuriousMoments with Advita Solidarity with all the comms folks in organisations who are no doubt having to battle with how to share some of the narratives coming out from the party conference [October 2023]. For those feeling despair and hurt over some of the proposals being shared – remember people are fighting for positive change […]

Take Action Make Impact

#CuriousMoments with Advita One thing I’m determined to do is to make life as easy as possible for people on how they can contribute to building inclusive cultures. I’ve updated our inclusive communication checklist and added some pointers on improving accessibility. The checklist is for anyone who needs a reminder of what to look out […]

Is your workplace anti-racist? #ListenActChange

#CuriousMoments with Advita  A study undertaken by TUC showed that four in five people don’t report racist behaviour at work because they fear losing their jobs or not being taken seriously. Almost a third of Black, Asian and ethnic minority colleagues shared that they feel less confident, and it’s had an impact on their mental […]

Four years of CommsRebel!

#CuriousMoments with Advita It’s been four years since I officially launched CommsRebel, and jeez, what a journey it’s been. I had absolutely no idea if things would work out or not, but one thing I was 100% certain of was that I was going to give it my best shot. When the pandemic stopped the […]

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