Five Tips to Help You Develop an Inclusive Comms Plan

On a scale of JOMO* to FOMO*, I am very firmly in the FOMO camp. In my opinion, there’s nothing worse than finding out you weren’t invited to the party! Sometimes, what feels like exclusion is simply a communication mishap. Perhaps you assumed the right people would talk about it, maybe you misspelled the address. […]

The Power to Improve Representation

Data Driven Insights Improve Representation at Pixar It was around a decade ago that I started to become aware of gender inequality at my church. I probably would have noticed a lot sooner if I’d been born Gen Z rather than Millennial! I was starting to get involved in leading the Comms team and one […]

Practical tips for leaders to create an inclusive workplace

In May 2020, the tragic murder of George Floyd sent shockwaves across the globe, causing many organisations and business leaders to release statements to say they will do everything in their power to make sure change takes place. Fast forward 12 months, and many would argue that even though externally, some leaders responded rapidly at […]

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