Diwali: Light over darkness

#CuriousMoments with Advita This week starts Diwali celebrations for many Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and other faiths. Diwali means different things to different cultures, but ultimately, each story and legend generally believes it’s when light overcomes darkness and good triumphs over evil.  I’m Gujarati Hindu, so the story I grew up with was about Rama and his […]

Toxic cultures and crisis management

#CuriousMoments with Advita If you’re an internal comms professional having to manage a crisis, here are five things I would advise you to do: 1) Ensure you have an invite to the crisis talks that will be taking place so you get a head start on the headlines. If your PR person is in the […]

Allyship takes action

#CuriousMoments with Advita If you’re invited to speak, take part in a meeting, asked to be part of a board, speak on a podcast etc., and you say you’re an ally and support diversity. Then asking about representation should be a norm. If you discover unfair representation, no one is asking you to step away […]

Trust and inclusivity

#CuriousMoments with Advita Priya Bates and I joined the fab folks at Interact Software to talk about how trust can help build an inclusive culture. As we were planning our chapters for the book, we knew that we wanted a whole chapter dedicated to this important topic. If trust is low or non-existent in your workplace, then you’ll […]

Quicky out of office messages… yes? Or no?

#CuriousMoments with Advita A few year’s ago, I read a fascinating article about out-of-office (OOO) messages. I was fascinated with what the author wrote about its impact on social interactions and connections. As someone passionate about individualism and personalisation, I absolutely adore quirky OOO messages. It gives such incredible insight into that person and also […]

The inconsistent leader

#CuriousMoments with Advita It’s been an incredible couple of days speaking at various events about internal comms and inclusion. I started my mini tour speaking to the fab folks at the Gambling Commission about allyship and trust. Then, I headed to Unily’s brilliant event, Unite, to talk on a panel about belonging and technology. And last but not […]

Three key elements for an effective Employee Value Proposition

Image is titled Employee Value Proposition. Underneath title, there are three interlocking circles, with the words EVP in the centre. From clockwise (left), first green circle says employee expectations, next pink circle, says competitive edge, and final coral circle, says organisational needs.

Employee Value Propositions (EVP) are crucial in attracting, engaging and retaining talent, so what should you consider when supporting EVP development? CommsRebel is working with a client on building their EVP. With an ambitious growth strategy, the client wanted to ensure that their EVP was effective and reflective of their brand so they can continue […]

Do comms unicorns exist?

#CuriousMoments with Advita Internal Communication (IC) specialists shouldn’t need expertise in Adobe design suite. If they do, you’re not looking for an IC expert; you’re looking for a graphic designer. I shared this opinion in a recent discussion in the community chat on my CommsRebel platform. The recent amalgamation of different roles with IC makes me question […]

The power of curiosity

#CuriousMoments with Advita Evoking curiosity is a big part of the work I do for my clients. Whether creating a communications strategy or developing an Employee Value Proposition, I will always keep curiosity front of mind. This is why ???????? When colleagues are curious, it’ll almost always lead to conversations. When conversations take place, connections […]

Decision-making in comms: What’s data got to do with it?

#CuriousMoments with Advita “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” This quote by Alexander Den Heijer is always in front of my mind when I work on inclusive culture projects with clients. It’s a reminder that when people are not able to bring their best selves […]

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