Book launch!

#CuriousMoments with Advita Can you say you’ve written a book if you don’t host a book launch party? As Priya Bates, ABC, MC, SCMP, IABC Fellow was attending #InnerRebel2023 in person, it seemed silly not to take advantage and host a mini book launch in Manchester. Thanks to the generosity of Haiilo, we hosted the event at Huckletree with pizza from Harry’s […]

Quicky out of office messages… yes? Or no?

#CuriousMoments with Advita A few year’s ago, I read a fascinating article about out-of-office (OOO) messages. I was fascinated with what the author wrote about its impact on social interactions and connections. As someone passionate about individualism and personalisation, I absolutely adore quirky OOO messages. It gives such incredible insight into that person and also […]

Turn adversity into power

#CuriousMoments with Advita As it’s South Asian Heritage Month and this year’s theme is stories to tell, I thought I’d share mine in the hope it inspires someone. Over the years, I’ve been relatively open about my experience as a South Asian woman growing up in the UK and working in an industry that’s unconventional […]

Rayna Miller on change communications

Rayna Miller, Director of Employee & Change Communications for Sodexo UK & Ireland, led the hugely popular Change Communications workshop at #InnerRebel2023. Rayna shares why simple is best when it comes to change comms and her top tips to effectively communicate change.

The Power of Company Culture

We’re thrilled The Culture Club is an Energise Partner for Unleash Your Inner Rebel! Here, Nikki Burslam, Founder and Culture Specialist, and Kirsty Phillips, Head of Community & Marketing, share their tips on how to shift company culture and what they’re most looking forward to at Inner Rebel.   1. Tell us about The Culture […]

How to communicate change in an inclusive way

Recently I’ve been involved in quite a few change programmes with clients. Throughout my time supporting these organisations I try to ensure that the communications we share with the workforce is as inclusive as it can be. Below are some top tips and techniques I hope help some of you who are working on change […]

Practical tips for leaders to create an inclusive workplace

In May 2020, the tragic murder of George Floyd sent shockwaves across the globe, causing many organisations and business leaders to release statements to say they will do everything in their power to make sure change takes place. Fast forward 12 months, and many would argue that even though externally, some leaders responded rapidly at […]

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