The 5 secrets of inclusive language

Inclusive language is essential for creating an inclusive workplace culture. It can boost employee engagement and help people feel included in conversations and communications. However, using inclusive language takes conscious effort and continued learning from everyone within the organisation. As a communications professional, here’s how you can get started. Imagine a meeting that begins with […]

Four years of CommsRebel!

#CuriousMoments with Advita It’s been four years since I officially launched CommsRebel, and jeez, what a journey it’s been. I had absolutely no idea if things would work out or not, but one thing I was 100% certain of was that I was going to give it my best shot. When the pandemic stopped the […]

Change programmes: Common pitfalls

#CuriousMoments with Advita I’ve worked on some significant change programmes during my career, from mergers and acquisitions to digital transformations. Every time, some common pitfalls can cause the change to fail or stall. Here are my top three ???????? 1) Over-selling the change. Yes, it’s essential to maintain a level of optimism, but I always […]

What exactly is inclusive internal communications?

#CuriousMoments with Advita When Priya Bates, ABC, MC, SCMP, IABC Fellow and I were writing our book, we spent some time researching various definitions. But none quite hit the mark so we decided to create our own based on our knowledge and experience ???????? “Inclusive internal communication enables powerful connections, demonstrates curiosity and cultivates belonging […]

How comms can help improve culture

#CuriousMoments with Advita It’s been five months since this beauty was released, and I’m so chuffed with the incredible feedback we’ve had so far. People worldwide have sent messages or tagged us in posts, sharing how much the book has helped them – which is truly humbling. The book was written for people needing practical […]

A story…

#CuriousMoments with Advita You have two fantastic colleagues, let’s call them Jack and Sunita. They are both high performers and have similar ambitions. However, thanks to Sunita’s action-taking behaviour, she’s asked to Chair the new Race group at work. Her manager says it’ll be great for her development and visibility. Sunita, who is keen to […]

How to talk about the Israel-Palestine crisis in your organisation 

#CuriousMoments with Advita   In a recent Curious Rebel newsletter, I covered how to talk about the Israel-Palestine crisis in your organisation. From the responses I’ve received, it seems it has helped a few folks. So I thought I’d summarise in this curious moment. I’m not claiming to be an expert. I have Jewish and Palestinian […]

Toxic cultures and crisis management

#CuriousMoments with Advita If you’re an internal comms professional having to manage a crisis, here are five things I would advise you to do: 1) Ensure you have an invite to the crisis talks that will be taking place so you get a head start on the headlines. If your PR person is in the […]

How to handle difficult conversations

#CuriousMoments with Advita I’ve worked with quite a few teams to help them build confidence in how they may manage conversations that can be challenging. There can sometimes be a reluctance to lean into difficult conversations, as some people will say they don’t enjoy confrontation. But these conversations don’t need to be confrontational if we […]

Build allyship through effective internal communication

#CuriousMoments with Advita It was an absolute privilege speaking at the CIPD Festival of Work event recently. We had 30 minutes to share our thoughts on how to build allyship through effective internal communication. When I talk about inclusion and its impact on our organisation, I’m sometimes told it’s not an issue in the organisation or […]

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