Turn I’m sorry into thank you

#CuriousMoments with Advita As a recovering people pleaser, sorry was my default every time I felt I was being an inconvenience to someone. “I’m sorry to disturb you.” “I’m sorry I’m late.” “I’m sorry, I’ve been so busy.” “I’m sorry for taking up your time.” “I’m sorry to bother you.” “I’m sorry for missing that […]

Decision-making in comms: What’s data got to do with it?

#CuriousMoments with Advita “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” This quote by Alexander Den Heijer is always in front of my mind when I work on inclusive culture projects with clients. It’s a reminder that when people are not able to bring their best selves […]

National Inclusion Week – pitfalls to avoid

#CuriousMoments with Advita It’s National Inclusion Week in the UK from 25 September – 1 October. I know there will be a flurry of activities taking place, and the communications team will be working hard to come up with various ideas/themes/activities. But here are three pitfalls you should avoid if you don’t want to be […]

Take 90 seconds to find out how inclusive your organisation is

Do you want to understand how inclusive your organisation is? In our book, Building a Culture of Inclusivity, we wrote about the DEI E-volution to help organisations identify where they are on their inclusion journey. The six key steps we identified from our research and studies are: Exist Enter Educate Embrace Engage Embed We wanted […]

Why has nobody told me this before?

#CuriousMoments with Advita Stop scrolling for two minutes and take a deep breath. How are you feeling today? From the chats I’m having, things seem to be feeling heavy right now. Budgets are being cut, change seems everywhere, resources are tight, and there appears to be conflict everywhere you turn. All this is contributing to […]

A good change programme needs a good inclusive comms process

#CuriousMoments with Advita I love a good change programme. The more complex, the better. I like unpicking and understanding how things connect. The lightbulb moments when the messaging is clear and concise. The vibrancy and energy it can bring when people understand the vision. So how can you establish a good, inclusive comms process in […]

Boost your confidence in just 30 days

#CuriousMoments with Advita What if I told you that I could help you boost your confidence in just 30 days? I decided to specialise as a confidence and influence coach after experiencing several confidence crashes in my career. I never did anything without waiting for validation or permission. I didn’t believe I was good at […]

Leadership red flags

#CuriousMoments with Advita I love Undercover Boss. I know some of it may be dramatised, but the show demonstrates just how powerful one-to-one conversations can be when people feel safe to share. I’ve often heard that colleagues don’t usually care much for what some senior leaders have to say. Granted, no one wants to hear […]

How to create impact and influence

#CuriousMoments with Advita  Do you walk into an event or a room wishing you could influence better? Or had the confidence to say what you want? We’ve all been there. In one of my roles, I attended the monthly Senior Leadership Team Meeting. I had to give an update on comms and share what we […]

Fear public speaking? How I learnt to love the experience

#CuriousMoments with Advita Before 2018 I’d never spoken on a public stage. The thought made me queasy, and whenever I was approached, I recommended someone else. But I’ve now spoken at over 100 events, from small groups to a 1000-plus audience. I’ve presented to leaders based in Australia to comms professionals in the USA. It’s […]

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