“My life has transformed beyond recognition” – Advita shares her confidence story

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I know exactly what it’s like when your confidence stops you from taking up opportunities and achieving your goals.

In 2018, my confidence was at an all-time low, and I considered leaving the communications industry.

I’ve never been a wallflower. But underneath my bravado, I was a people pleaser and continuously wanted external validation to prove my worth.

I was exhausted, and it came out in my behaviour. I retreated. I complained. I felt sorry for myself. I blamed others. I thought I wasn’t good enough, so I constantly second-guessed myself. I became the QUEEN of procrastination.

But one day, I decided I needed to stop. I spent many hours attending workshops on confidence, reading books on confidence, and understanding the differences between imposter syndrome, confidence and self-esteem.

And since then, I haven’t looked back.

In five years, my life has transformed beyond recognition. I’ve grown a business, written a book, hosted podcasts, became an international speaker, won awards, and recently been appointed CIPR President-Elect 2024.

All because I focused my energy on boosting my confidence and understanding where my blockers were.

In 2020, I decided to transition from an executive coach to a confidence coach and mentor to help others do the same.

Over the past three years, I coached almost 50 people and helped them find their own path. The feedback I’ve received from them all has been phenomenal and I’m humbled every day that they chose to work with me.

My coaching style is different as I combine coaching and mentoring in my sessions. I’m an action-oriented coach, so I will nudge you out of your comfort zone slowly (as Emma Cooke knows ????).

It’s important to me that you have direct access to me whenever you need to check in or have accountability, so alongside the three/six sessions, you also have unlimited WhatsApp mentoring.

This coaching is for you if you’re ready to address your confidence blockers and take action so you can achieve the ambitions you have.

If you are struggling right now, I want you to remember that things will get better and one day you’ll look back and realise you’re living your dream. 

Originally posted on LinkedIn, Follow me for more curious moments. 


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