Believe in yourself

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#CuriousMoments with Advita

In 2019 I went to an event hosted by my coach Chris Ducker. He asked everyone at the end of the day to write down a goal they wanted to achieve within a year.

I completely forgot that I did this until I came across the note today. I’d shared that I wanted to organise a fantastic inspirational summit where I could bring people together and help expand their network. It took me two years (thanks to Covid), but it’s now a week after #InnerRebel2023, one of the most vibrant events I’ve ever organised. The feedback so far has been phenomenal, and people are still sharing their biggest takeaways.

I wanted to share this with you today to encourage you not to give up on your goals. Life can throw plenty of rubbish in our path, but as long as you believe in yourself and appreciate your worth, everything will always work out.

If you need a guiding hand and some support with your confidence, then message me. Now the event is over; I have extra capacity for my confidence coaching and mindset programme.


Originally posted on LinkedIn, Follow me for more curious moments. 

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