Unleash your p.o.w.e.r

Want to build unshakeable confidence?

How to unleash your P.O.W.E.R. and build unshakeable confidence in 66 days programme is for you.

Unleash your P.O.W.E.R is an affordable, accessible confidence coaching programme to help people who want to understand more about managing their self-esteem, self-worth and overall confidence.

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, shared that, on average, it takes 66 days to form a habit. I have created this group coaching programme which will make a huge difference and help steer you towards unshakeable confidence in only 66 days.

What’s involved?

The programme is based on my P.O.W.E.R. (TM) Framework (purpose, opportunities, worthiness, empowerment and results). You will gain practical tips, support and advice to help you achieve your goals, objectives and dreams. We will discuss values, visibility, public speaking, personal branding, and more.

Your investment

Your investment for the 66-day programme is £366 (including V.A.T.).

If you’re interested in joining, please sign up for the waitlist so we can let you know when registration opens.

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