Consultancy support

Have a communication challenge?

Are you struggling with a business challenge and want to know how internal communications can help? Or perhaps you need some support in evolving your internal communications strategy so that it’s more inclusive?

At CommsRebel, we enjoy working on our clients’ challenges, big or small. We want to help you engage your people so you get the best out of them and they thrive in their work. It’s important all colleagues have the space and voice to share what makes them feel they belong.

Our expertise


Communications measurement

We use proven methods to review your communication channels so you can focus on communicating to your people.


Inclusive comms strategy

We can help you build inclusion and belonging into your internal communications strategy and ensure that inclusivity is at the heart of your messaging.


Employee listening

We help you gauge and understand how your employees are feeling through listening sessions and focus groups. We gather the feedback and advise you on the best approach with robust recommendations to help your team thrive.


Employer Brand and Employee Value Proposition

We work with you to develop an unique offering that will help you recruit and retain talent, from a range of diverse backgrounds.


Inclusive Change Communication

Change is inevitable in any organisation’s growth and development. Whether it’s a restructure, a new project or a cultural shift, change can be exciting, but it can also be challenging. One of the biggest obstacles to successful change is inclusive communication; this is where we can help you!


Communication Reviews

Are you looking for a way to ensure that your organisation communicates effectively with everyone, regardless of their background or experiences? Do you want to ensure that your messages are inclusive and resonate with all colleagues, clients or customers? We create bespoke audits to suit your outcomes.



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