Top 5 powerful tips on how to manage different viewpoints at work

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Do you ever feel frustrated when someone disagrees with your point of view? or, worse, calls you woke? Managing differing viewpoints in the workplace is challenging.

We live in a world where everyone seems to have an opposite point of view, which can be exhausting. But as communication and HR professionals, how can we manage different viewpoints and conflicts in the workplace?

It’s the one question that I’m asked frequently especially when the different views come from the dominant culture.

We’re not a homogeneous group

One thing to remember when undertaking EDI work is that we are not a homogeneous group. We all have different thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Whether we disagree or agree, people are allowed to have an opinion.

Be aware of discrimination

Having a different opinion is not a criminal offence. But treating people unfairly because you don’t like who they are could be classed as discrimination – which is illegal.

Be curious

Being curious about various viewpoints is an opportunity to open up mindsets and learn new things. Because believe it or not…

You can still like an individual and disagree with their stance or belief – respectfully.

You can still have a productive disagreement without shouting and screaming at each other.

You can still treat each other with mutual respect and not discriminate because you disagree.

Watch out for implicit bias

However, implicit bias shows up in all forms and it escapes no one. So, take some time to truly think about where you may have inadvertently treated someone differently because you disagree with their way of life, sexuality, religion, etc.

Four things to look out for:

As an organisation, you need to consider whether that individual:

  • Mistreats people
  • Disrespects other people’s opinion
  • Spreads misinformation or disinformation
  • Causes harm to others

If you answered yes to any of them and there’s evidence, it must be addressed immediately and people must be held accountable.  

Here are five things you can do to manage different viewpoints

1) Promote open communications

Encourage team members to share their perspectives openly and respectfully. Establish clear guidelines for constructive communication and actively listen to each viewpoint. This helps to create a culture where everyone feels valued and heard.

2) Facilitate collaborative problem-solving

Use collaborative techniques such as mindmapping sessions, workshops, and roundtable discussions to address issues. Encourage team members to work together to find common ground and develop solutions that incorporate diverse perspectives. This approach can lead to more innovative and effective outcomes.

3) Set clear expectations and boundaries

Establish clear expectations for respectful behavior and communication in the workplace. Define boundaries for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors and ensure that these standards are consistently enforced. This helps to prevent conflicts and ensures that discussions remain productive.

4) Lead by example

Leadership plays a crucial role in managing different viewpoints. Leaders should model inclusive behavior, show empathy, and demonstrate respect for all opinions. By doing so, they set the tone for the entire organization and encourage others to follow suit.

5) Build an inclusive environment

Provide training on cultural competency to help employees understand and appreciate different viewpoints. Ensure that all voices, especially those from underrepresented groups, are included in discussions and decision-making processes.

What do you think? Could you work with someone who has an opinion you strongly disagree with?  


CommsRebel can help you revolutionise workplace cultures from inside out. If you would like to cultivate a thriving inclusive culture so colleagues unleash their full potential, we can help! Please get in touch and let’s have a chat. If you want to learn more, check out Advita’s book Building a Culture of Inclusivity


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